Do you ever sit and plan things out? I'm a list maker myself...
I'll write a list every day that I'm not working, with the "hope" to get some of it done. If I don't make a list...I won't - repeat WON'T do a darn thing all day. So this year, after the New Year, I thought, "hmmm...I should write down some New Years Resolutions."
Instead, I kept the list in my head. I think every single year I make that list, check it twice, and by this time that year, I haven't kept up with my "resolutions." However, ahem, excuse the cough, but I'm proud of myself. I have managed to keep up with my "resolutions." They aren't anything exciting let me tell you! So here they are, my resolutions...
1. Read, Pray, and just spend some quiet time with God each morning.
If I'm working I tend to do this in my car. I'm involved in two bible studies, plus a weekly study at Sunday School. I don't know about you, but that is just over kill sometimes. I mean, isn't it nice just to sit and talk to God...not worrying about what page I have to hurry up and get done by Sunday morning. It helps that I got a new Devotional this year for Christmas!
**Don't click to open...It won't work. I'm challenged...Click the Link Below
So I resolve to talk to God, worship him, and just be still. I'm enjoying it! I've also been keeping up with my prayer journal. Anyone have one of those???
My word, I love mine. You cannot know how cool it is to sit down and go back through yours to see what prayers have been answered. I prayed last year to be done with my current job just before Christmas. I didn't want to have to tolerate that place anymore. Well, God's timing is perfect, because guess who interviewed for a new job two days before Christmas? And who is in the process of finishing out my two weeks?! Yahoo. God is awesome!
2. Learn a new Bible verse WEEKLY.
This one I was pretty pumped about. People quote scripture so often on their facebook pages, blogs, etc. I am not kidding, I could memorize a verse and two months later, not really remember the whole thing. I'm 25, but my memory is Horrid...(ask my husband about it...Hense the lists). So, I started memorizing scripture.
Pasted right there on my bathroom mirror. So I can stare at it instead of myself haha! It has really helped to have it posted there. No lie. I cannot tell you how much time I find myself in my bathroom between the hair, makeup, shower, shaving...Oh Lord I could go on!
3. To Craft More!
Amen. Enough Said. I do not, repeat, do not, allow myself to craft enough! I started making hair bows for my daughter last month. It was a flop to say the least. Watching someone on YouTube show me how to fold a hair bow, when I completely bought the wrong ribbon was a d.i.s.a.s.t.e.r. However, I resolve to start one project (AND FINISH IT) each month. I'm behind...but picture...
Lets all sigh...
I will be making this quilt for my sweet daughter. Which I'm preparing myself WAY in advance that it'll take longer than one month, but atleast its something. I also got a Hobby Lobby gift card for Christmas. So, who wouldn't want to craft with that baby in your wallet?
Okay, not the keg Red Solo Cup kind of a party. But party with my kiddies. Every single month has a theme. We all know that from elementary school. So what am I doing wasting my time not enjoying this fun time with my family?
January will be a Snowman party! Here's a little inspiration for my party...I started these bad boys yesterday. You'll see that all later!
5. Keep my house cleaner...
We live in a 14x80 foot space. It's bigger than an apartment in NYC, (well some of them haha) but we've outgrown "the love shack" as my mother calls it. We bought a trailer when we were first starting out. The plan was to build a house in a couple years. Flash forward 4 years later (MENTAL NOTE: is that really all? man it feels like we have been here F.O.R.E.V.E.R and not in a good way) ah...Anyway we're still here. Over croweded, stuffed in. And it' is hard to keep it clean with a two year old. But I'm proud to say, it has been pretty darn clean lately. I wouldn't lick my floors or anything...but Mom - you'd be proud!
So that is it my loves. Five things to do this year. And trust me. None of them are hard. I'm not prepping for a marathon or even to lose 100 pounds like Jennifer Hudson (You go Girl!). I'm just trying to be a better wife, Christian, and mother!
What were your resolutions?