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Monday, July 9, 2012

When Life Gives You Lemons...

Life has handed me some lemons lately. I'd like to take those lemons and start throwing them at people rather than "make lemondade." Literally. When you're on the verge of losing it, when you have more than enough piled high up on you and people continually keep adding to the pile until you're so loaded down that it'll take a year to clean the mess up...What do you do? I haven't figured out a solution to the problem yet, but today, I'm in a mood. A mad, sad, hurt mood. I think I'll go get my lemons, and get busy throwing them at the people that are adding fuel to the fire. Maybe then I'll feel better? Doubt it.

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Lord, I need some strength today!

Saturday, July 7, 2012


*Note: These pictures are from last year. My man is much cuter, and my kids are a little bigger.

My husband is a devoted baseball fan. It's in his blood. He can't shake it and never will. He played all through school and every summer through fall we spend our evenings watching his favorite team whenever they're on TV.

And now I will tell you a sweet little story about how God works in crazy ways.

A few years back my brother-in-law was playing church league softball for his church. He asked my husband if he wanted to play on the team. Keep in mind - Bro in-law's church is massive. Huge. So big that when church league softball time comes around, they have to have 2 teams. So, Travis started on the team late, and didn't get much playing time. A farmers work is never done, so he'd still have to do chores some nights instead of playing, because there was no one to work for him. He missed quite a few games. The very last game of the season he was catching and got a little bit of playing time. The Ump that night happened to be a guy from Travis' hometown. And because Travis can strike up a conversation with a mule, the two got to talking. The game ended, we went our seperate ways, and thought the summer was done.

Flash forward to winter. A family friend had passed away, so my in-laws (T's parents) were at the funeral home. Who do they run into? Bart - the ump from the last game and his wife Anne, who coincidently no longer lives in our town, but were here for the funeral. Bart got to talking to a father in-law, who can also strike up a conversation with a mule. They started talking about Travis and baseball that summer. Long story short, Bart got Travis' number, so he could call him in the spring to play on his team.

Flash forward three years - Travis has been playing on Park United Methodist Church's team and is loving every single minute of it. The first few years, I'd miss a lot of games. It's so hard to drag kids to these things, because they don't sit still and all I want to do is watch the game. Sorry - bad mom moment. This year I'm making more of an effort. As in every night that I don't work, we go. But last night they had a game and I worked until six. I asked Travis if his parents would keep the kids a little longer so that I could go - ALONE. They agreed and I sat and enjoyed the game, chatting with the other spectators and laughing, clapping, and cheering. I just love these games.

The game is close. Neck and neck and tied up. Poor Bart. I don't think he could stand the suspense, so he walked back toward where I was sitting and had his back to the game for a minute. He said to me, "I don't think that I could do farm work all day, and then come here to play in this heat." It was 98 degrees last night. Hot. Like the band. I replied, "It's his passion. He loves them both and when you love something, you just don't mind doing it."
"That's why we love having him on our team. He's just happy to be here, and makes things fun."

- Tear. Literally almost cried. I was so proud in that moment of my man. He gives something his all (as long as he wants to) and people see it and love him for it. I'm so proud of him and who he is becoming. I'm glad to call him mine. And - seeing him in his baseball pants every week isn't a bad bonus as I'm a sucker for a man in uniform! Go Team Park!