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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Sleep Away Camp

I sent my baby off to camp today.
Let me say, she's not a baby, nor is she the baby of the family. But, sometimes, your kids will always be your baby. She's eight. She's smart. Loves to read, play on youtube, dress up, watch as we call them "garbage shows" on Disney Channel. She loves swimming and riding her bike, along with campfires and marshmallows. Her favorite animal is a horse. It only seemed fitting that she go to a horse camp. So, last summer, as we were gathering to get ready for another year of Awana, it was announced that all students who finished their books would get a full scholarship to a local camp. I pushed her. She pushed herself. Weekly, she practiced scripture, memorizing word for word memorable verses from the Bible. She completed puzzles and rarely missed a night. Not only was the prize of knowing more scripture valuable, but she completed a task that was so hard for so many. Her reward, one full week at a summer camp. Could we have afforded to send her otherwise? Sure. But she earned this. This week, full of friends and new experiences was earned. Hard work pays off and we want our kids to learn that.
Photo taken in May, but still very relevant.
Today, we dropped her off. Throws of people crowding this massive camp, toting bags, pillows, blankets, and sleeping bags. The workers were dressed up in old fashioned garb, greeting kids and parents with a smile. We rushed around, checking her in here and there, paying for things, and having a "health check." It was finally time to see the space she would be for the week. A tiny bunkhouse, with room for ten people and their bags. That was all. It was a dream. I told her as we were rushing around running errands yesterday, that she was so lucky to have as many opportunities as she had. She's given so many wonderful experiences that I as a kid would only dream of. I mean, after all, isn't that what we want for our kids?

So with a tissue and a smile, I'll be praying her through this week. I hope that you do too. We will miss her so, but thank the Lord she's away for a week so her room can get organized. There are toys and clothes to be passed on. There are things that need their own space and with her gone, that will be the project of the week.

For now, I'll be missing her and worrying she has enough underwear and socks. I'm sure I'm crazy, but I'll share our packing fiasco tomorrow.

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