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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Freaking Out Just A Little

I tend to freak out A LOT. Like, scream, cry, don't get my way freak out. Or I just keep it to myself, casually mention it to my husband, and fret for hours, days, and weeks over something. This is currently what I'm doing. So - here is my freak-out story:

We're having a BABY! Woot Woot! I'm so excited about this. But in all honesty, the reality that we're actually having a baby in October has not set in. I'm dead serious. I did this with the last baby - My Max. I just went about my business, buying maternity clothes, some diapers and wipes here and there, maybe a few blankets, and didn't really PLAN on having this baby. So by my due date, I hadn't really given a ton of thought to freezing meals, saving money, stockpiling things if you will. I had my daughter when I still lived at home, so this being on my own with a baby thing was new. WHEW. What an eye opener.

So my freak out - yeah. Here goes. I'm scared in my boots about the fact that I will be off of work for 6 weeks with no paycheck to look forward to. Yep, because I left my stable, always had hours to work, 2 weeks vacation, 90 + hours of sick time, and short term disability where they pay 80% to come to this job that provides none of that security - I'm sort of freaking out. Had I known what was going to happen I probably wouldn't have ever left. I would have sucked it up, kept plugging along, and just dealt with the drama.

This is where I'm trusting God. I have to. That/HE is my only option. I have no others. I know that he put me in this place/position for a very important reason. I may not have a paycheck for six weeks, but he IS faithful and will provide.

Isn't this the way we do things...have a back up plan. I kind of do have one. It's not really a backup plan. I think it's actually strategy. Smart thinking if you will. I'm stockpiling. Hoarding. Whatever you want to call it. Couponing and buying extra every week, so that we don't run out of toilet paper, paper towels, and shampoo while I am off. The necessities are UBER expensive. I figure if I can atleast do that, then maybe it'll help a little. I compiled a list and will feel better when the whole thing is crossed off and stored in some random place in my trailer!

But in the mean time, I'm praying and trusting. My God shall provide all of my needs. Every.single.one will be met I just know it. He's got a plan and a purpose for all of this. I'm anxious to see in December how things work out, but for now, I'm going to trust...and TRY not to freak out.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Farm Livin' Ain't the Life For Me

I've grown accustomed to this farm life. Okay, so technically we don't live on a farm. TECHNICALLY. However, because The Man works on a farm, he brings home the smell every day. My FIL was also a farmer for quite some time. The boys still tinker around with equipment including tractors weekly. My FIL has Beef Cows, so there is barn to clean and hay to bale. The Man is always helping out. And believe me a farmers life is never done. There is ALWAYS something to do. So even though we don't live on a real live farm, we're involved in the process quite a bit between the two farms.

My FIL got out of farming before I met my husband. Since then he has rented his land out to our neighbors. They're wonderful people with a thriving farm. That being said, their hired men are constantly up here (they live down the road), spreading manure and the like. You can hear the tractors whirl by early, most days around 7 am. I sure do love summer, but the smell of manure that wafts through the air is enough to annoy me. And lately, I've been less than thrilled about them driving by constantly. You think I'd be used to it by now, or maybe I'm in a funk, but I'd love to tell them that they should just quit for the day and spread the poop somewhere else. I have a new clothes line that I faithfully use, but don't want the smell on the clothes. Things like this irk me. Two summers ago, Fourth Of July weekend (it was on a weekend that year) they were out spreading manure during the day. I wanted to call them, because I was so mad. I realize they're paying to use this land (there sure is a lot of it to use), but for crying out loud. Don't they know people are having picnics during the 4th? They wouldn't want poop spread by their house before a party. Have some respect for others.

This weekend we're celebrating a graduate. My Nattie will graduate from kindergarten and we're going to party. So here's to hoping there isn't poop smell in the air for my guests!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Livin The Simple Life

Let me say this...I am LIGHT-YEARS behind the rest of the world and I never realized it until lately.
It all started when I started my job a while back. The girls I work with all have IPhones and sit and play Words With Friends on their breaks (this doesn't happen often let me tell ya). Then there's the comments, "You don't have an IPhone?!"

How dare I not own the latest technology?

I had a Blackberry. I loved the heck out of the thing. Loved it so much it broke 3 times in the two years that I owned it. So, I would be without a phone for a week at a time, waiting for the lovely phone company to send me a new one. It was annoying. Do you know what it's like to live without your phone that you're so attatched to? Yeah. It hurt. Then came the monthly bill...With three people on our plan we payed out the nose for cell service. I hated that bill. Every stinkin month, paying more than $200 for a stupid cell phone. By the time my phone broke for the third time I said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I went to the cell store and picked myself up the cheapest phone that I could find. You know - the dreaded free one. The free cell phone with no apps, only texting. Yep. I cut the umblical cord. GASP. How dare she?! My husband uses a Rugby for good reason. The farmer and the dell. He breaks his phones constantly, but since he got the Rugby it's never broken. So he can have his little luxury. I'll use my cheap phone and be content.

You know what else?! Are you ready for this?!

We don't have a Wi, an Ipad, a Kindle, Wifi, laptops, or any other new technology that keeps popping up. WHY?! HOW DO YOU LIVE IN AMERICA WITHOUT THESE LUXURIES?

I'm not sure why we don't keep up on technology. We have cell phones. We have cable, telephone, and internet - and it's not dial up. But we don't have all that extra stuff creeping up around us begging to be played with. I love going to lawn sales and buying books for a quarter. I love that I can read them thirty times or once and have the book on my self forever. I have the internet on my computer in my living room. My house is small. I don't need to transport an IPad throughout my house to make myself feel important. I just don't.

We're busy people. We work crazy hours between the farm and the hospital. Between sports, and summer rec leagues, early bedtimes, and playing with our kids, we don't have time to be texting every second of the day, or reading constantly. I went to Bible Study one night and one of the girls had the Bible App on her phone, so she wouldn't have to cart around a Bible. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I cherish my Bible and all the scribbles and notes in the corners. I love the tatered worn leather cover and the crumpled pages. It means so much to me, because it was a gift and I cherish it. I can't imagine giving up my worn Bible for an app on my IPhone.

I'm old fashioned. My mother is more technilogically advanced than I. She has a Nook, an Ipad, and an IPod. Weird. But I'll take laughter in my house, family dinners, closeness with my kiddos, and happy times over all that other junk that costs lots of money and eventually breaks. I love my sweet little life and I won't be exchanging it for technology any time soon!


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A Hiatus...Yes. That's what I'll call my lack of blogging for a half a year...
A Vacation? Nope. That would not be what I would call it!

I'm back. After working nights for months and losing myself while I was doing it, while struggling with the first trimester of a pregnancy, all while trying to manage a house, kids, my husband, our life. Yuck. It was a mess.

Baby I'm back!

Summer is on its way and I cannot wait. The kids will be out of school in two weeks. We'll be going on Field Trips, going to bed early, and wearing summer clothes until then. But after that...It's staying up late, sleeping in, partying, eating popsicles, going swimming, playing outside all day so that at night the bath water turns brown from the crud. I.CANNOT.WAIT!

We live in NY. A state that believes in lllloooonnnnnggggg breaks and frequent days off during the calendar year. As a parent, it annoys me. Being a working mom, trying to figure out which day we're in school and when we're off and trying to schedule those days off can be a pain. I don't cherish it. I grew up in a state where we were in school by the end of August and out the 1st of June. We actually HAD a summer to enjoy. Not in NY. I wish they'd figure it out here, but in the mean time, I'll just enjoy the time we get together anyway.

So check back. I'll be back posting often (hopefully). We've got lots going on in our world!

