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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Farm Livin' Ain't the Life For Me

I've grown accustomed to this farm life. Okay, so technically we don't live on a farm. TECHNICALLY. However, because The Man works on a farm, he brings home the smell every day. My FIL was also a farmer for quite some time. The boys still tinker around with equipment including tractors weekly. My FIL has Beef Cows, so there is barn to clean and hay to bale. The Man is always helping out. And believe me a farmers life is never done. There is ALWAYS something to do. So even though we don't live on a real live farm, we're involved in the process quite a bit between the two farms.

My FIL got out of farming before I met my husband. Since then he has rented his land out to our neighbors. They're wonderful people with a thriving farm. That being said, their hired men are constantly up here (they live down the road), spreading manure and the like. You can hear the tractors whirl by early, most days around 7 am. I sure do love summer, but the smell of manure that wafts through the air is enough to annoy me. And lately, I've been less than thrilled about them driving by constantly. You think I'd be used to it by now, or maybe I'm in a funk, but I'd love to tell them that they should just quit for the day and spread the poop somewhere else. I have a new clothes line that I faithfully use, but don't want the smell on the clothes. Things like this irk me. Two summers ago, Fourth Of July weekend (it was on a weekend that year) they were out spreading manure during the day. I wanted to call them, because I was so mad. I realize they're paying to use this land (there sure is a lot of it to use), but for crying out loud. Don't they know people are having picnics during the 4th? They wouldn't want poop spread by their house before a party. Have some respect for others.

This weekend we're celebrating a graduate. My Nattie will graduate from kindergarten and we're going to party. So here's to hoping there isn't poop smell in the air for my guests!

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